Foto Martien:
Calleta silkmoth
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World's largest moth
Foto Martien:
Narrow-bordered bee hawk-moth
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Nine-spotted moth
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Wood tiger (Parasemia plantaginis)
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Elephant hawk moth
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White-ringed atlas
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African Emperor Moth
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Elephant hawk moth (Deilephila elpenor)
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Oleander hawkmoth (Daphnis nerii)
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Spurge hawk-moth
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Hummingbird hawk-moth
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Face of a male Madagascan Moon Moth
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Chinese Tussah Silkmoth
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Silver Y moth (Gamma uil)
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Royal Walnut Moth, the DEVIL
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Living twig: The buff-tip moth
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Comet Moth or Madagasacan Moon Moth
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Death’s-head hawk moth
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Chinese Oak Silkmoth
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Indian Moon Moth
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Chinese Moon Moth
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Male Indian Moon Moth
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Small Magpie (Anania hortulata)
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Silver Y (Autographa gamma)
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Female Comet Moth on a Cocoon
Foto Martien:
Moth, a dark angel
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Atlas Moth, the largest butterfly
Foto Martien:
Death’s-head hawkmoth
Foto Martien:
Atlas Moth