350.org: The days events were opened with prayers and offerings from Algonquin Elder, Claudette Commanda
350.org: Indigenous representatives lead the way for #ClimateWelcome
350.org: A Young Woman Holds a Banner for #ClimateWelcome with words from new Prime Minister Justine Trudeau
350.org: Protestors give Justin Trudeau, new Canadian Prime Minister, a #ClimateWelcome
350.org: 38 people Sit-in at the new Prime Minister's house for #ClimateWelcome
350.org: Forty people gathered in Ottawa, Canada to give new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a #ClimateWelcome
350.org: Police look on at the marchers as they make their demands heard
350.org: Sitting in at the Prime Minister's House for #ClimateWelcome
350.org: Clayton Thomas Muller and Kiki Wood talks with Pavan Sapra from Justin Trudeau's office
350.org: Moratorium on the expansion of the tar sands!
350.org: Protesters hold a banner depicting the words of new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
350.org: Clayton Thomas Muller holds it down at #ClimateWelcome
350.org: Clayton Thomas Mueller from 350.org presents a set of gifts to Pavan Sapra, special assistante Ottawa
350.org: 20151026-IMG_6248
350.org: 20151026-IMG_6314
350.org: Cameron Fenton organizer for 350.org gives crowd instructions for the action
350.org: Clayton Thomas Muller delivers "gifts" to Pavan Sapra Assistant to Canada's Prime Minister
350.org: Climate Welcome in Ottawa
350.org: #ClimateWelcome
350.org: Anna Keenan, a young climate all-star and soon-to-be mother, joins the sit-ins
350.org: Freeze Tar Sands
350.org: 20151026-IMG_6238
350.org: 20151026-IMG_6102
350.org: Freeze Tar Sands Expansion!
350.org: People from all ages came out to support #ClimateWelcome
350.org: Protestors Chant Demands for stopping Tar Sands
350.org: 38 people sit-in at the Prime Ministers new house
350.org: Climate Welcome in Ottawa
350.org: Anna Keenan, Climate Activist and soon-to-be mom, joins protest
350.org: Indigenous Leaders opened the days events with prayers and offerings for the protests