tofightfortheright: Chair on Bus Stop; Brookfield, Wisconsin 20100813
tofightfortheright: Two People Waiting for the Bus in Milwaukee Wisconsin 20100911
tofightfortheright: Waiting on a bus stop in pink pants and a red jacket in Milwaukee Wisconsin 20100915
tofightfortheright: Waiting on a Bus Stop wearing pink pants in Milwaukee Wisconsin 20100915
tofightfortheright: Two Ladies and One Man at Bus Stop; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
tofightfortheright: Bus Stop Street Scene; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
tofightfortheright: Bus Stop Street Scene; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
tofightfortheright: Bus Stop Street Scene; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
tofightfortheright: whatever you do, do NOT make eye contact with anyone at a bus stop - these guys know about that rule
tofightfortheright: Bus Stop Street Scene; Milwaukee, Wisconsin 20110512
tofightfortheright: Bus Stop Street Scene; Milwaukee, Wisconsin 20110512
tofightfortheright: Bus Stop - Huntington Drive; Duarte California, 91010 P1020220
tofightfortheright: Alice Cooper - bus
tofightfortheright: Lady in black Waiting on a bus stop and garbage bin in Milwaukee Wisconsin 20100915