northamericabroadband: March Match mtg 2006 - Vas, with Chris. Rockers, through and through
northamericabroadband: March Match mtg 2006 - John and Rosie, opponents during a relay race. Other games played were “Dictionary”, “Hum that Tune” and more!
northamericabroadband: March Match mtg 2006 - Happy, sweaty, inspired rockers for Jesus!
northamericabroadband: March Match mtg 2006 - Godfrey. Hmm. Nice.
northamericabroadband: March Match mtg 2006 - Godfrey, Chris, Gerardo and Vas. Oh how we love them
northamericabroadband: March Match mtg 2006 - Gerardo drumming like there’s no tomorrow.
northamericabroadband: March MATCH Mtg 2006 - Some of the senior and junior teens having an open forum in a beautiful setting.
northamericabroadband: March MATCH Mtg 2006 - Soccer!! Eli versus Karen.
northamericabroadband: March MATCH Mtg 2006 - Movin’ and Groovin’ during inspiration!!
northamericabroadband: March MATCH Mtg 2006 - Lovely Debbie and Serene serving the teens.
northamericabroadband: March MATCH Mtg 2006 - Eli’s class on Bible knowledge. We learn something new every time.
northamericabroadband: March MATCH Mtg 2006 - Crowd surfing. Oh yeah!!