karindebruin: Let it snow!
tiggerpics2010: Irresistible
yves floret: L'heure bleue.
papy06200: Nice 06 et ses illuminations 2020(3)
tango-: Mirépoix (Ariége), France 587
a.laruelle: Direction, le vignoble
Xtraphoto: Libelle und Fliege
tango-: Pantelleria, Italy August 2020 004
jocadovi61: 051 Barcelona. Reials Drassanes.
Yarin Asanth (Gerd Michael Kozik): Golden Morning Light
Rudi1976: Mainz.
a.laruelle: Plan d'eau fleuri
bluestardrop - Andrea Mucelli: Monferrato - Castello di Montemagno (AT)
Gabriel FW Koch: Caught Mud Deep
evisdotter: Sunset light
Nicolas Rottiers: Angles series
Xtraphoto: Flying deer
yabberdab: Greens and Blues
werner boehm *: Château de Chillon
Philippe_28: Abbaye de Valmagne
Philippe_28: Abbaye de Valmagne
Captain Nikon: A Moment Of Calm
NYC♥NYC: The Fleur Room
Tim Lawnicki: Rose Lake
Koos Nuninga: Nysted, Denmark
werner boehm *: close to San Marco