Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out swag for her book 1
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out swag for her book 2
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out swag for her book 3
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal reading
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal reading 2
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out swag for her book 3
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out swag for her book 4
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out her book and the arc for the next
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal giving out the first book and arc for the second
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal reading 3
Ellen Datlow:
Vaugne Hansen, Rick, Liz, Patty, Marco
Ellen Datlow:
Rick Bowes and Liz Gorinsky
Ellen Datlow:
Liz Gorinsky, Patty Garcia, and Marco Palmieri
Ellen Datlow:
Liz Gorinsky, Patty Garcia, and Marco Palmieri
Ellen Datlow:
Lawrence C. Connolly reciting his stories 1
Ellen Datlow:
Lawrence C. Connolly reciting his stories 2
Ellen Datlow:
Gordon Linzner and Matthew Kressel
Ellen Datlow:
Gordon Linzner
Ellen Datlow:
Lawrence C. Connolly 1
Ellen Datlow:
Matt Kressel introducing Lawrence C. Connolly
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal 1
Ellen Datlow:
Matt Kressel introducing readers
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal 2
Ellen Datlow:
Matt Kressel introducing Lawrence C. Connolly 2
Ellen Datlow:
Matt introducing Lawrence 3
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal 2
Ellen Datlow:
Mary Robinette Kowal 3
Ellen Datlow:
Gordon Linzner and Matt Kressel 2
Ellen Datlow:
Matt introducing the readers 2
Ellen Datlow:
Matt introducing Lawrence