Ellen Datlow: Jeff Ford at B Bar pre-KGB
Ellen Datlow: Jeffrey and Tenea D. Johnson
Ellen Datlow: Tenea D. Johnson (Matt & Rick in rear)
Ellen Datlow: David Barr Kirtley
Ellen Datlow: John Kwok with Sam Schreiber in rear
Ellen Datlow: audience members 1
Ellen Datlow: Gabe Mesa, Joe Gallagher, and Jeff Ford
Ellen Datlow: Rick Bowes, John Kwok, Sam Schreiber, and David Kirt Bartley
Ellen Datlow: Tenea Johnson and Brianna Kole
Ellen Datlow: Wish and Josh Jasper 1
Ellen Datlow: Wish and Josh Jasper 2
Ellen Datlow: Jim Freund
Ellen Datlow: Paul Witcover and Gabriel Mesa
Ellen Datlow: Gordon Linzner
Ellen Datlow: Lissanne Lake
Ellen Datlow: Lissanne Lake and Gordon Linzner
Ellen Datlow: John Kwok, Jim Freund, Matt Kressel, Raj Khanna, Rick Bowes, Josh Jasper, Wish
Ellen Datlow: Lissanne, Gordon, Paul, Gabe
Ellen Datlow: Paul Witcover and Gabe Mesa
Ellen Datlow: Matt Kressel, Rick Bowes, Josh Jasper
Ellen Datlow: Sam Schreiber, Jonn Kwok, and David Kirt Bartley
Ellen Datlow: Raj Khanna and Matt Kressel
Ellen Datlow: Lissanne and Gordon
Ellen Datlow: Joe Gallagher 1
Ellen Datlow: Matthew Kressel
Ellen Datlow: Barbara Krasnoff
Ellen Datlow: Ruby Katigbak Obeyesekere, David, David Rivera in rear
Ellen Datlow: Ruby Katigbak Obeyesekere and Sam J. Miller 1
Ellen Datlow: Ruby Katigbak Obeyesekere and Sam J. Miller 2
Ellen Datlow: Matt Kressel and Tenea Johnson