Ellen Datlow: Sophie and Bella on book shelf
Ellen Datlow: Bella in a big yawn
Ellen Datlow: Confrontation coming
Ellen Datlow: Bella on her perch
Ellen Datlow: Sophie looking silly with her tongue out
Ellen Datlow: Could this be a new style gargoyle
Ellen Datlow: Sophie peeks over the edge
Ellen Datlow: Two gargoyles
Ellen Datlow: Sophie reaches out
Ellen Datlow: Sophie's head
Ellen Datlow: Sophie on the book shelf
Ellen Datlow: Confrontation or affection
Ellen Datlow: uh oh 2
Ellen Datlow: Bella on the couch, next to me
Ellen Datlow: closeup of Bella
Ellen Datlow: Bella reminding me she's there
Ellen Datlow: Bella wide-eyed on the couch
Ellen Datlow: Sophie on my printer
Ellen Datlow: Sophie and Bella on the couch
Ellen Datlow: Sophie on the couch
Ellen Datlow: Sophie and a pile of reading
Ellen Datlow: Sophie close up
Ellen Datlow: Bella on couch close up