Ellen Datlow: yellow and red-brown pansies
Ellen Datlow: view from where we sat 3
Ellen Datlow: view from where we sat 2
Ellen Datlow: view from John's back porch 2
Ellen Datlow: view from John's back porch
Ellen Datlow: under the grill
Ellen Datlow: the view from where we sat
Ellen Datlow: the sky over Peter's
Ellen Datlow: the refrigerator before the party
Ellen Datlow: table on John's porch
Ellen Datlow: rusted metal thingie in front of house
Ellen Datlow: plants on side of house 2
Ellen Datlow: plant on side of house
Ellen Datlow: pink pansies
Ellen Datlow: part of our group at Peter's
Ellen Datlow: on the lawn of Mama's in Phoenicia 4
Ellen Datlow: on the lawn of Mama's in Phoenicia 3
Ellen Datlow: on the lawn of Mama's in Phoenicia 2
Ellen Datlow: on the lawn of Mama's in Phoenicia
Ellen Datlow: lily pond on front of house
Ellen Datlow: lily pond in front of house 4
Ellen Datlow: lily pond in front of house 3
Ellen Datlow: lily pond in front of house 2
Ellen Datlow: lilies behind John's house
Ellen Datlow: lanterns preceding the fireworks
Ellen Datlow: grill and chair on porch
Ellen Datlow: glass table on porch
Ellen Datlow: friends of Beth's at Peter's
Ellen Datlow: flowers on side of house
Ellen Datlow: fireworks 295