Mr.Vamp: A withered sunflower, which has survived the winter and spring in the old shiny new accelerate. Eine verwelkte Sonnenblume, die den Winter überlebt hat und im alten glanz im Frühjahr neu auflebt.
Mr.Vamp: Bemosstes Ufer 002
Mr.Vamp: Wiese
Mr.Vamp: Sonne
Mr.Vamp: Rising suns (Sonnenaufgang)
Mr.Vamp: The Rhine shores at the Rhine Falls (Great waterfall ) in "Schaffhausen in Switzerland"
Mr.Vamp: Sunset on the Mediterranean...002
Mr.Vamp: Unfortunately, unknown to me beautiful flower
Mr.Vamp: The tree with the green plants "Der Baum, dass Blatt"
Mr.Vamp: Unfortunately, unknown to me beautiful flower
Mr.Vamp: Margaritten
Mr.Vamp: "Margaritten" in the wind, in the background of the blue horizon
Mr.Vamp: The blossoming of a "Margaritte" in the sunlight, in the background the blue horizon
Mr.Vamp: This bumblebee , has just the bloom of this flower happy. Blossom wakes zuleben. The bloom has finally gets color and delighted us.
Mr.Vamp: The colorful flowers in contrast to the blue sky.
Mr.Vamp: Lake Garda in Italy, from which a flower, which stands on the shore ...
Mr.Vamp: Lake Garda in Italy, from which a flower, which stands on the shore ...
Mr.Vamp: The beautiful Lake Garda in Italy, a place to enjoy ...
Mr.Vamp: The wine is in its original form, it grows on a shrub ....
Mr.Vamp: Dandelion seeds just before donation ...
Mr.Vamp: Dandelion seeds just before donation .., a playing with Photoshop Element 7.0. The imagination has no limits ...
Mr.Vamp: Flower-Power
Mr.Vamp: flower
Mr.Vamp: The Rose
Mr.Vamp: schorn the sheep
Mr.Vamp: schorn the sheep
Mr.Vamp: Crocuses
Mr.Vamp: snowdrops
Mr.Vamp: Crocuses
Mr.Vamp: Crocuses