woodelph: in place 1
woodelph: in place 2
woodelph: landing platform deployed
woodelph: personal vehicles and workstation
woodelph: ready to go
woodelph: personnel entrance and lift
woodelph: topside hatch
woodelph: leaving via lift
woodelph: lift in action
woodelph: minifig-powered lift
woodelph: cable ascender
woodelph: arriving via cable ascender
woodelph: crowsnest
woodelph: main_cabin
woodelph: viewport
woodelph: going down
woodelph: lower compartment
woodelph: IMG_7240.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7241.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7242.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7243.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7244.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7245.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7246.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7247.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7248.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7249.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7250.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7251.JPG
woodelph: IMG_7252.JPG