simpson_eh: Human Pyramid!
simpson_eh: Lis' mighty first attempt...
simpson_eh: Disaster
simpson_eh: Attempt No 1: The Aftermath
simpson_eh: An unusual approach
simpson_eh: Turning into more of a bundle
simpson_eh: BUNDLE!
simpson_eh: My first attempt
simpson_eh: Almost...
simpson_eh: TOP of the pyramid
simpson_eh: Julie's go
simpson_eh: SUCCESS!
simpson_eh: Norfolk beach
simpson_eh: Jump!
simpson_eh: Jump with jazz hands
simpson_eh: Extra jazz hands
simpson_eh: Boys!
simpson_eh: Pillbox view
simpson_eh: Me on top of a pillbox
simpson_eh: Melodica at midnight
simpson_eh: Preparing the magic lanterns
simpson_eh: How to light a magic lantern
simpson_eh: On the beach at midnight
simpson_eh: Light, LIGHT!
simpson_eh: Windy beach
simpson_eh: Tom and his head torch
simpson_eh: Brr...
simpson_eh: Scary Richard
simpson_eh: Man love
simpson_eh: Light, light, goddamn you!