simpson_eh: R and C
simpson_eh: No idea what's going on here
simpson_eh: Me, Shari and Mel
simpson_eh: Which tune made them do this?
simpson_eh: Dancin'
simpson_eh: Oooooh
simpson_eh: Karen and Katya
simpson_eh: Liz and Fraser
simpson_eh: The delectable Claire Evans
simpson_eh: IMG_2012.JPG
simpson_eh: Sweet harmony?
simpson_eh: More Y&Y mass kareoke
simpson_eh: Y&Y mass kareoke
simpson_eh: The lovely Ms Pirie
simpson_eh: The girl can sing!
simpson_eh: Christmas!
simpson_eh: Insert caption here....
simpson_eh: Wonderwall...?
simpson_eh: It all got too much for some
simpson_eh: Rabeka and Mel
simpson_eh: Cathryn and Rabeka
simpson_eh: last man standing...