stephpyrex: pyrex march 8 006
stephpyrex: pyrex march 8 005
stephpyrex: Two carafe's I found
stephpyrex: IM000171
stephpyrex: Small carafe
stephpyrex: IM000164
stephpyrex: A Coffee day
stephpyrex: IM000127
stephpyrex: Coffee Carafe and Warmer
stephpyrex: Coffee Carafe
stephpyrex: 1939 ish Coffee Pot
stephpyrex: Coffee Carafe
stephpyrex: IM000496
stephpyrex: IM000499
stephpyrex: Tea Pot
stephpyrex: Antique finds
stephpyrex: Coffee Carafe
stephpyrex: More recent finds
stephpyrex: Last but not least
stephpyrex: Carafe's and snack server
stephpyrex: Antique store finds
stephpyrex: Antique Store finds continued
stephpyrex: Odd and ends
stephpyrex: Antique Mall and Christmas gifts