jchristoph: Ben Shahn Poster (detail)
jchristoph: DSC_0177
jchristoph: DSC_0181
jchristoph: DSC_0281
jchristoph: Hananiah Harari
jchristoph: Kenneth Noland
jchristoph: DSC_0282
jchristoph: DSC_0245
jchristoph: DSC_0250
jchristoph: DSC_0285
jchristoph: DSC_0248
jchristoph: DSC_0284
jchristoph: DSC_0249
jchristoph: DSC_0262
jchristoph: DSC_0237
jchristoph: Edward R. Murrow, Hirschfield
jchristoph: Portrait of a Youth, Botticelli or Lippi
jchristoph: Portrait of Bindo Altoviti, Raphael
jchristoph: DSC_0356
jchristoph: G. Washington, Gilbert Stuart
jchristoph: George Washington, Gilbert Stuart (Lansdowne portrait detail)
jchristoph: G. Washington, Jean-Antoine Houdon
jchristoph: Washington as a Roman Emperor
jchristoph: John Adams, Gilbert Stuart
jchristoph: Thomas Jefferson, Mather Brown
jchristoph: Lincoln Portrait
jchristoph: Frederick Douglass, attributed to Elisha Hammond
jchristoph: Woodrow Wilson, John Christen Johansen
jchristoph: FDR, Douglas Granville Chandor
jchristoph: Kennedy, Elaine De Kooning