jchristoph: Inauguration
jchristoph: Inauguration
jchristoph: Listening to the Speech
jchristoph: Inauguration 2
jchristoph: Inauguration 3
jchristoph: Afterward
jchristoph: Afterward 2
jchristoph: Afterward 3
jchristoph: Afterward 4
jchristoph: Aftermath1
jchristoph: aftermath1
jchristoph: aftermath3
jchristoph: aftermath4
jchristoph: DSC_0572
jchristoph: aftermath5
jchristoph: Aftermath 6
jchristoph: National Mall
jchristoph: Capitol I
jchristoph: Capitol 2
jchristoph: Capitol
jchristoph: Capitol with banners
jchristoph: Roland Burris enjoying his 15 minutes
jchristoph: CNN pundits
jchristoph: MSNBC pundits
jchristoph: Doorway
jchristoph: Whitehouse
jchristoph: roomservice