timmacs: Black and White Stones
timmacs: 17097560_10208985005084330_8034836958490326384_o
timmacs: Moose Effigy Stone
timmacs: Moose Effigy
timmacs: 17157398_10208985004724321_6246410112662206427_o
timmacs: Black and White Wâunonaqussukquanash, honoring stones
timmacs: Black and White Stones
timmacs: Honoring Stones
timmacs: Moose Effigy, Watertown CT
timmacs: Effigy Behind the Grocery Store
timmacs: Honoring Stones
timmacs: 1965 Unauthorized neighborhood baseball field nnnnorthattop
timmacs: Capture birdeye (1)
timmacs: Capture birdeye
timmacs: Anthropomorphic Effigy (Two Stones)
timmacs: Quartz Zoomorphic beside an Anthropomorphic Stack
timmacs: home and grocery store again 018
timmacs: home and grocery store again 020 AAA
timmacs: home and grocery store again 020
timmacs: Uktena with White Ulun'suti Overlay
timmacs: Turtle?
timmacs: Turtle?
timmacs: Turtle or Ulun'suti??
timmacs: home and grocery store again 026
timmacs: home and grocery store again 029
timmacs: home and grocery store again 030 with snake eye
timmacs: home and grocery store again 030
timmacs: home and grocery store again 031 snake eye added
timmacs: home and grocery store again 031
timmacs: home and grocery store again 032