timmacs: third summerhill stop merge 04
timmacs: third summerhill stop merge 03
timmacs: Qusukqaniyutôk
timmacs: Qusukqaniyutôk
timmacs: Qusukqaniyutôk
timmacs: summerhill second stop merge 04 ridge structure
timmacs: summerhill second stop merge 03 bbb
timmacs: káhtôquwuk (Mohegan, Narragansett), allegorically, a 'stone prayer.'
timmacs: summerhill second stop merge 01
timmacs: Zoomorphic and a Rhomboidal
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 141
timmacs: Bird-like
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 139
timmacs: Qusukqaniyutôk ~ ‘stone row, enclosure’
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 137
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 136
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 135
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 134
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 133
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 132
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 131
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 130
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 129
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 128
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 127
timmacs: Qusukqaniyutôk ~ ‘stone row, enclosure’
timmacs: Qusukqaniyutôk ~ ‘stone row, enclosure’
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 123
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 122
timmacs: almost st pats and shoreline 121