Patience Bell: Lean on me...
Patience Bell: I let my music take me where my heart wants to go...
Patience Bell: Music notes in the eye...
Patience Bell: Stompin' P...
Patience Bell: Dust in the wind...
Patience Bell: Behind Blue Eyes..
Patience Bell: It's like an old friend...
Patience Bell: Guilding light...
Patience Bell: Warming up...
Patience Bell: Peace, love and understanding...
Patience Bell: Floating Music ... (147/365)
Patience Bell: Dock tunes (4)
Patience Bell: Dock tunes (3)
Patience Bell: Dock tunes (2)
Patience Bell: Dock tunes (1)
Patience Bell: Dock tunes
Patience Bell: pguitarb&w
Patience Bell: pguitarb&w1
Patience Bell: pguitar2
Patience Bell: pguitarb&w2
Patience Bell: Did you get what you came for?
Patience Bell: Daydream believer...
Patience Bell: If your lost and you look...
Patience Bell: Is there anybody going to listen to my story?
Patience Bell: Peaceful Easy Feeling...
Patience Bell: strummin' the acoustic ... by the BC!
Patience Bell: guitarpb&w
Patience Bell: b&wpguitar5
Patience Bell: b&wguitarp