Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: I'm back from playing with the Loons on the Big Rideau...
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: Loon Big Rideau Lake, Ontario
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: Common Loon
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: Loon on the Big Rideau Lake, Ont. Canada
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: Loon, Big Rideau Lake, Ontario
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: immature Loon on the Big Rideau Lake, Ontario
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: Here's looking at you......Common Loon sooc Big Rideau Lake
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: “No sadder sound salutes you than the clear, wild laughter of the loon” Celia Thaxter
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: Off to spend some time with the Loons
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: “Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Canadian Wendy 24 taking the summer off: In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous. Aristotle