Stephanie'sBestShots: Colors in the Kitchen
Stephanie'sBestShots: Eggs on the Windowsill
Stephanie'sBestShots: Too Many Carrots ?
Stephanie'sBestShots: Yellow and Red Pepper Conversation
Stephanie'sBestShots: Thanksgiving at Grandmother's House in Maine: Onion for the Turkey Stuffing
Stephanie'sBestShots: Kitchen Detail: Carrots on the Counter
Stephanie'sBestShots: Daily Kitchen Details: Fresh Peaches on a Plate
Stephanie'sBestShots: Kitchen Details: Home-Made Lemon Cake, Half Gone.
Stephanie'sBestShots: Daily Kitchen Details:Somebody in my House is Having a Birthday !
Stephanie'sBestShots: Daily Kitchen Details The Last of the Lemon
Stephanie'sBestShots: Daily Kitchen Details: Cherry Tomatoes on the Table
Stephanie'sBestShots: Daily Kitchen Details: Monday Morning Still Life
Stephanie'sBestShots: Grandmother's Cake
Stephanie'sBestShots: Kitchen Details: Brown Eggs in a White Bowl
Stephanie'sBestShots: Lemon Birthday Cake Celebration
Stephanie'sBestShots: Mom's Pumpkin Pie
Stephanie'sBestShots: Red Cups on a Sunny Table
Stephanie'sBestShots: White Cups on a Sunny Table 1
Stephanie'sBestShots: White Cups on a Sunny Table 2
Stephanie'sBestShots: WhiteTeacup with Saucer in Morning Sunlight
Stephanie'sBestShots: Lemon in a Yellow Bowl
Stephanie'sBestShots: Three Oranges in a Bowl by the Window
Stephanie'sBestShots: Seeking Light on the Darkest Day
Stephanie'sBestShots: Sunday Morning Comfort...A Mug of Coffee with my Sweetheart at our Favorite Local Diner
Stephanie'sBestShots: December Light: Sun & Shadows In The Pantry
Stephanie'sBestShots: Apple on the Table with Sunlight
Stephanie'sBestShots: One Water, Two Large Orange Juices
Stephanie'sBestShots: I'll Take Cream With That