Jeff Goddard 32: Middle Cove, Cape Arago, Oregon
Jeff Goddard 32: Coastal star tulip
Jeff Goddard 32: Coastal star-tulip
Jeff Goddard 32: Sitka Spruce, Cape Arago, Oregon
Jeff Goddard 32: Hallaxa chani
Jeff Goddard 32: Dirona albolineata
Jeff Goddard 32: Tochuina gigantea (formerly Tochuina tetraquetra)
Jeff Goddard 32: Think I can fake out that fish?
Jeff Goddard 32: You are what you eat
Jeff Goddard 32: Discophyton rudyi from Cape Arago, OR
Jeff Goddard 32: Discophyton rudyi polyps
Jeff Goddard 32: Bryozoan overgrowth (Cape Arago, Oregon)
Jeff Goddard 32: Tidepool
Jeff Goddard 32: Red urchin fireworks
Jeff Goddard 32: Hallaxa chani on sponge Halisarca
Jeff Goddard 32: Diaulula odonoghuei on sponge prey
Jeff Goddard 32: Janolus fuscus
Jeff Goddard 32: Limacia cockerelli on bryozoan prey, Hincksina velata
Jeff Goddard 32: Sandstone II
Jeff Goddard 32: Sandstone I
Jeff Goddard 32: Cadlina luteomarginata & sponge prey
Jeff Goddard 32: Fog-bound
Jeff Goddard 32: Humbug Mountain intertidal
Jeff Goddard 32: Morning low tide, southern Oregon
Jeff Goddard 32: Flooding tide, Cape Lookout, Oregon
Jeff Goddard 32: Cape Lookout, Oregon
Jeff Goddard 32: Velella spill
Jeff Goddard 32: Still life from strandline
Jeff Goddard 32: Red alder in the stove, warmth in the cabin