ho_hokus: Light on the arches.
ho_hokus: Over the Spanish roof tops.
ho_hokus: On the street, Santiago de Compostela.
ho_hokus: Rúa de Xelmírez, Santiago de Compostela.
ho_hokus: Farmacia Compostela, Santiago de Compostela.
ho_hokus: Enjoying the afternoon.
ho_hokus: Costa Vella Hotel.
ho_hokus: In the garden of the Costa Vella Hotel.
ho_hokus: Praza da Universidade/University Square, Santiago de Compostela.
ho_hokus: Old doors hide secrets.
ho_hokus: Café/Bar Monroy.
ho_hokus: Cafe Belke Selfie
ho_hokus: Rúa das Carretas.
ho_hokus: From Alameda Park to the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral.
ho_hokus: Through the trees at Alameda Park.
ho_hokus: Down time in the park.
ho_hokus: After hours at the Mercado de Abastos / Abastos Market.
ho_hokus: Doorway to Iglesia Santa María Solomé, Santiago de Compostela.
ho_hokus: A beer in the plaza.
ho_hokus: Monasterio de San Martín Pinario.
ho_hokus: By the Monastery steps.
ho_hokus: Flowers in the garden of the San Martín Pinario Monastery.
ho_hokus: Pub O Curruncho on Rúa de Entremuros.
ho_hokus: Santa Clara Convent.
ho_hokus: Praza de Cervantes.
ho_hokus: Glass balconies.
ho_hokus: Down the Rúa de Belvís to the Convento de Belvís / Convent of Belvis.
ho_hokus: Changeable weather over Compostela.
ho_hokus: Thought for the day.
ho_hokus: San Fiz de Solovio Church.