snap-happy1: Cynthia and the Ducks - 1904
snap-happy1: Dogs - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Dogs 3 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Castle Fraser from the Lawn - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Castle Fraser Entrance - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Miss Kipling and Instructor - Engelberg, Switzerland - 1913 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Miss Kipling and Instructor - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Sainte Agnes, France c1913 - Film Negative 5
snap-happy1: Roquebrune, France - 1913 - Film Negative 6
snap-happy1: Heraldic Door Bath Abbey- Film Negative
snap-happy1: Shadowplay - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Sack Race - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Cavorting Cadets - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Victoria Monument at Royal Victoria Park, Bath - Film Negative
snap-happy1: Baptismal Font (1874) at Bath Abbey - Film Negative
snap-happy1: House of Parliament - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Four Men, Again - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Highland Games - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: House Party at Eishken Lodge, Isle of Lewis, Scotland 1912 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Four Men - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: HMS Victory - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Arousa, Spain 5 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Dogs 2 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Stream 2 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Arousa, Spain 2 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Dogs 4 - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Stream - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Sainte Agnes, France - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Sainte Agnes, France - Glass Negative
snap-happy1: Arouse, Spain 3 - Glass Negative