snap-happy1: Construction of G.W. Grain Elevator at Sarnia - S.O. 10 Jun 1859 p2
snap-happy1: Fire Destroys Watford Mill - S.O. 4 Apr 1960 p13
snap-happy1: Maud Hanna Dies - S.O. 3 July 1946 p3
snap-happy1: Maud Hanna Dies - S.O. 3 July 1946 p2
snap-happy1: Maud Hanna Funeral - S.O. 5 July 1946 p8
snap-happy1: Maud Hanna Funeral - S.O. 5 July 1946 p15
snap-happy1: John Rose Dies - 8 Oct 1959 p1
snap-happy1: Formal Opening of Lochiel Street School - (W) S.O. 31 Aug 1917 p5
snap-happy1: New Churches - S.O. 15 Apr 1864 p2
snap-happy1: Sarnia Street Railway Closes - S.O. 26 Feb 1931 p5
snap-happy1: Central Baptist To Disappear - S.O. 21 July 1953 p9
snap-happy1: Jail For Sale - S.O. 9 Jan 1961 p9
snap-happy1: Courthouse site chosen for Motel - S.O. 14 Oct 1961 p13
snap-happy1: New Wing of Sarnia General Hospital - S.O. 9 Jan. 1929 p3
snap-happy1: The Street Railway - S.O. 28 Aug 1874 p2
snap-happy1: Intention to build Vendome Hotel - S.O. 5 Feb 1892 p5
snap-happy1: Public to View New School - 16 Mar 1929 p1
snap-happy1: Proctor House to be converted for War use - S.O. 19 Aug 1941 p3
snap-happy1: Difficult Removal - S.O. 26 June 1945 p14
snap-happy1: Old Methodist Church bought - S.O. 21 June 1890 p5