snap-happy1: Main Building - Infirmary of the Asylum for the Insane, London, ON.
snap-happy1: Lou at Bright's Grove, ON.
snap-happy1: Lou at Bright's Grove, ON.
snap-happy1: Sunset at Bright's Grove, ON.
snap-happy1: The Intrepid Photographer
snap-happy1: Sunset at Bright's Grove, ON.
snap-happy1: Waves at Bright's Grove, ON.
snap-happy1: Why Do I Keep Smoking These Things, They Always Make Me Feel Ill??
snap-happy1: IMGP6947
snap-happy1: Angle's Trumpet
snap-happy1: Angel's Trumpet
snap-happy1: Mausoleum Facade - Hamilton, ON.
snap-happy1: Mausoleum Facade - Hamilton, ON.
snap-happy1: Mausoleum Roof - Hamilton, ON.
snap-happy1: Mausoleum Interior - Hamilton, ON.
snap-happy1: Mausoleum Detail - Hamilton, ON.
snap-happy1: Motel Room
snap-happy1: Motel Room
snap-happy1: Witches Cauldron Cake
snap-happy1: Witches Cauldron Cake
snap-happy1: Witches Cauldron Cake - Detail
snap-happy1: 1860 Staircase
snap-happy1: Architectural Detail
snap-happy1: Haunted Mirror
snap-happy1: Tricycle in the Attic
snap-happy1: Tricycle in the Attic
snap-happy1: Display
snap-happy1: International Typographer's Union Charter
snap-happy1: Main Builidng - Infirmary of the Asylum for the Insane, London, ON.