snap-happy1: Brer Rabbit Molasses Gingerbread - 1930's
snap-happy1: Magic Baking Powder Apple Dumplings - 1930'a
snap-happy1: Royal Baking Powder Cream Layer Cake and Potato Chocolate Cake - 1920's
snap-happy1: Ladies Home Journal Cooking Hints April 1924
snap-happy1: Ladies Home Journal These Taste Expensive - February 1932
snap-happy1: Puffed Sun-Maid Raisin Drop Cookies - 1920's or 1930's
snap-happy1: Canadian Home Journal Baker's French Chocolate Cake - 1935
snap-happy1: London Life Magazine Good Things to Eat - 1920's
snap-happy1: Swift's Jewel Shortening Sugar Cookie Hearts - 1940's
snap-happy1: Magic Baking Powder Hermits - 1931
snap-happy1: The Sarnia Observer Home Kitchen - Some Egg Dishes to Serve for an Emergency Meal - 1930's
snap-happy1: Kellogg's All-Bran Muffins recipe card - 1930's
snap-happy1: Christmas Cake recipe 1861
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 front cover
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p1
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p2-3
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p4-5
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p6-7
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p8-9
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p10-11
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p12-13
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p14-15
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p16-17
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p18-19
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p20-21
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p22-23
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p24-25
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p26-27
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 p28
snap-happy1: Igleheart's Cake Secrets 1921 back cover