snap-happy1: The Huronic
snap-happy1: Hamonic passing under the yet to be completed bluewater bridge 21 May 1938
snap-happy1: Hamonic at the Northern Navigation dock - Sarnia, ON
snap-happy1: Steamer Hamonic
snap-happy1: Hamonic after fire of July 17, 1945
snap-happy1: The Noronic
snap-happy1: James Beard 1918
snap-happy1: The Grace Dormer and James Beard
snap-happy1: The Saronic
snap-happy1: Dining cabin of the Palace Steamer Quebec 1870's - J.F. Elliott, Sarnia, ON
snap-happy1: The Stoney Lake 1928
snap-happy1: Assiniboia in colour
snap-happy1: Assiniboia in black and white
snap-happy1: The Victorious
snap-happy1: The John Hamilton Gray
snap-happy1: Capsized mystery ship
snap-happy1: Andrew S. Upson awaiting the wreckers torch
snap-happy1: The Rivershell
snap-happy1: Angeline and the L.D. Browning await the wreckers
snap-happy1: The Angeline and the L.D. Browning at the wreckers
snap-happy1: Paper bag from the Aquarama
snap-happy1: Aquarama Inaugural program cover
snap-happy1: Sarnia Bay Marina
snap-happy1: Aquarama article Sarnia Observer 9 Aug 1988
snap-happy1: Tugboat graveyard
snap-happy1: Carl D. Bradley lifeboat
snap-happy1: Tugboat Shawanaga
snap-happy1: Tugs A.M. Macaulay, Lotbiniere, and Strathmore
snap-happy1: Fire on the Imperial Hamilton 1961
snap-happy1: Imperial Collingwood docked downtown