jordan_lloyd: Devil 013
Darren Cullen: Periodic Table of the Elements (Revised)
hudson_jeans: erin_wasson_rvca_ss10_3
christine.sterne: Anatomie des parties de la génération de l’homme et de la femme Paris, 1773. Colored mezzotint. National Library of Medicine. Jacques Fabien Gautier D’Agoty (1717-1785) [author-artist-printer]b
geoffhandley: shetland pony
erictbostrom: Tattoo for my wife
Véhesse: Orion aveugle_Page_115
Véhesse: Orion aveugle, p.145
astropop: troisi_me_echographie_-1
astropop: Acc 18930 Fritze Table 1
astropop: "Manual of the Diseases of the Eye for Students and General Practitioners," Charles H. May M.D., (1939 edition, orig, 1900)
astropop: Juan Valverde de Amusco, 1559
astropop: Giulio Casserio(ca. 1552-1616 )(anatomist) and Odoardo Fialetti (artist)
astropop: 3.jpg
astropop: 198158f.jpg
astropop: Jacques Fabien Gautier DAgoty, 1773
Joseph Haughey: William Blake - Oberon, Titania, and Puck with Fairies dancing - 1786
Joseph Haughey: William Blake - The Vision of Queen Katherine - 1790-3
chippa: William Blake - Ezekiel's Vision
artypantz: Kyle Ranson
avert: Kyle Ranson
astropop: Japanese Anatomical Scroll, 1819
astropop: Japanese Anatomical Scroll, 1819