Blake Matheson: Chaetops frenatus II
Blake Matheson: Loxodonta africana
Blake Matheson: Spheniscus demersus
Blake Matheson: EFM near Simonstown
Blake Matheson: EFM at Capetown
Blake Matheson: Ceratotherium simum
Blake Matheson: Hippopotamus amphibius
Blake Matheson: Acinonyx jubatus
Blake Matheson: Batis capensis
Blake Matheson: Afrana fuscigula
Blake Matheson: Pycnonotus capensis
Blake Matheson: Pycnonotus capensis
Blake Matheson: Point of the African Cape
Blake Matheson: Procavia capensis
Blake Matheson: Carcharodon carcharias
Blake Matheson: Point of the African Cape
Blake Matheson: Papio ursinus
Blake Matheson: Papio ursinus
Blake Matheson: Cape Scenery
Blake Matheson: Prinia maculosa
Blake Matheson: Spheniscus demersus
Blake Matheson: Muscicapa adusta
Blake Matheson: Serinus sulphuratus
Blake Matheson: Phalacrocorax coronatus
Blake Matheson: Serinus sulphuratus II
Blake Matheson: Vanellus coronatus
Blake Matheson: Francolinus capensis
Blake Matheson: Hirundo cucullata
Blake Matheson: Struthio camelus
Blake Matheson: Calandrella cinerea