magnunc: 2019-01-11
magnunc: 2018-12-29 Fayetteville
magnunc: 2019-02-13 Study Group visit!
magnunc: 2019-03-18 The A Team - Rachel
magnunc: 2019-03-19 The Z Team - Dork and Dweeb
magnunc: 2019-03-19 The A Team - Bruce
magnunc: 2019-03-25 - The A Team - Barn/Val
magnunc: 2019-03-25 - The A Team - Paris
magnunc: 2019-04-01 - The A Team - Deb
magnunc: 2019-04-16 - The A Team - Bill
magnunc: 2019-04-24 - The A Team - Sue
magnunc: Connie with my Auntie M's breakfast!
magnunc: 2019-05-28 - The A Team - Jo
magnunc: 2019-09-07 - The A Team - Paris and Aliza