frankielulu2: He's just a big ol teddy bear
frankielulu2: Sebastian and Lola Rose
frankielulu2: Meanwhile......
frankielulu2: I dunno Jack!
frankielulu2: We Won't Hurt You!!!
frankielulu2: Ohhhh My Goooonnnneesss
frankielulu2: Oh My Ohhh My
frankielulu2: I'd better take these guys to mom
frankielulu2: Ohh Maddison look!!
frankielulu2: Wow Harry!
frankielulu2: Hey Harry can ya give me a boost!
frankielulu2: Hey Jack where are we???
frankielulu2: Ahhhh, Summer!!
frankielulu2: Nice and shady...
frankielulu2: That was fun..
frankielulu2: Good Doggie
frankielulu2: Cmon Baxter
frankielulu2: May I take Baxter for a walk?
frankielulu2: Chuck o Chuck!!
frankielulu2: Himself - Do You Recognize Him??
frankielulu2: Fun!!!
frankielulu2: Hi Everyone I'm Home With a Few Friends
frankielulu2: Ohhh Mom, look who's here!!!!!
frankielulu2: Guess who followed me to San Francisco!!
frankielulu2: Flower Patrol Cancelled Due to Rain
frankielulu2: How many Blythes fit in a basket!
frankielulu2: The Dog Walker