erumabad: Rizzo House
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erumabad: 2011-08-05_08-57-25_193
erumabad: 2011-08-05_09-02-27_187
erumabad: Garden at Rizzo Conference Center
erumabad: Carrboro co-op chicks
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erumabad: Nooria and Nora
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erumabad: IMG_4264
erumabad: Lunch in Durham
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erumabad: Lucas rips it up!
erumabad: Lucas peek a boo in Durham
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erumabad: Lucas on Critter
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erumabad: Clyde Jones' "Critter" Farm in Bynum, NC
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erumabad: Tamara and Erum surveying the Critters
erumabad: IMG_4281
erumabad: TV Time out
erumabad: Are You Coming to the Wedding?
erumabad: The Bride
erumabad: Playing Uno with Aunt Jeanette and Cousin Sylvie
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erumabad: James and Andrew breakfast toast
erumabad: Griffins at Lighthouse Grill, Winston Salem
erumabad: Lunch with Joe and Anne in Raleigh