erumabad: SF sunset
erumabad: Would you want to eat here?
erumabad: Union Square
erumabad: Ice skating rink at Union Square
erumabad: Conference attendee
erumabad: inspecting the Naan at Naan n Curry
erumabad: just to remind shehzad how much he loved the food in indonesia
erumabad: Cathedral
erumabad: Asleep in Japantown
erumabad: Peace Tower, Japantown
erumabad: Hello Kitty store
erumabad: "my umbrella"
erumabad: Daddy and Miss Parasol
erumabad: Hotel Nikko lobby
erumabad: Burmese Kitchen in the Tenderloin
erumabad: IMG_2250
erumabad: IMG_2251
erumabad: Sasha Wren Dessouky
erumabad: Exploring the living room
erumabad: Three cousins
erumabad: IMG_2259
erumabad: IMG_2262
erumabad: IMG_2263
erumabad: IMG_2264
erumabad: IMG_2265
erumabad: IMG_2267
erumabad: Neal and Sasha
erumabad: IMG_2274
erumabad: Nooria and Lyle in the fireplace
erumabad: IMG_2277