erumabad: ready to leave for the rift valley with her monkey in her jacket
erumabad: Outside Nairobi on the way to Rift Valley
erumabad: IMG_1389
erumabad: View of the Rift Valley
erumabad: view of agricultural land in Rift Valley
erumabad: Noonoo and Ami
erumabad: 3rd World Viewpoint
erumabad: More views of the Valley
erumabad: IMG_1379
erumabad: IMG_1392
erumabad: At Lake Naivasha
erumabad: Enjoying the grounds of the Lake Naivasha Country Club
erumabad: IMG_1403
erumabad: Nooria and her Nana
erumabad: Daddy and Noonoo
erumabad: Nooria and her Mamu
erumabad: Abu instructing the guards to "hold on to the boat and not let go" when it returns
erumabad: Waiting for the boat
erumabad: Suited up for the boat ride
erumabad: Nadeem family on the boat
erumabad: Abu, Erum, and Sam
erumabad: loving the ride!
erumabad: Hiding from the sun
erumabad: IMG_0553
erumabad: boat driver
erumabad: sam on the boat
erumabad: IMG_0542
erumabad: Bird in Naivasha
erumabad: IMG_0575
erumabad: IMG_1412