erumabad: ansa and nooria part II
erumabad: ansa and nooria part I
erumabad: watching the news of mj's death with noonoo
erumabad: jonathan and noo noo at chelsea market
erumabad: jonathan
erumabad: IMG_6465
erumabad: on the roof of x-initiative art show
erumabad: pool noodle sculpture
erumabad: help, let me out
erumabad: dueling strollers
erumabad: IMG_6449
erumabad: IMG_6445
erumabad: IMG_6442
erumabad: ordering dinner
erumabad: Swinging with Ellis
erumabad: IMG_6436
erumabad: IMG_6433
erumabad: on the swings in fort greene park
erumabad: sharing sippy cups
erumabad: ellis
erumabad: starting another band
erumabad: IMG_6427
erumabad: IMG_6420
erumabad: IMG_6419
erumabad: IMG_6418
erumabad: IMG_6417
erumabad: IMG_6415
erumabad: IMG_6413
erumabad: who's having more fun?
erumabad: IMG_6411