erumabad: sam and mike outside double t diner
erumabad: IMG_5891
erumabad: soooo much diner food
erumabad: stuffed
erumabad: nano and noo noo
erumabad: nana nano and noonoo
erumabad: IMG_5882
erumabad: new haircut, courtesy of nano
erumabad: IMG_5879
erumabad: IMG_5878
erumabad: whining
erumabad: pucker
erumabad: enjoying a pear
erumabad: IMG_5873
erumabad: mmmmm
erumabad: jane and bryan, the bride and groom
erumabad: at the end of the evening
erumabad: posing with jane
erumabad: dance floor
erumabad: IMG_5866
erumabad: pool at the officer's club at ft belvoir
erumabad: weird slide
erumabad: playing on the floor
erumabad: nooria and mark
erumabad: reception
erumabad: view out the windows
erumabad: IMG_5855
erumabad: view of the potomac from reception
erumabad: cocktail hour
erumabad: bride and groom at cocktail hour