erumabad: Last burger at Farmer Boys
erumabad: Denis' last strum
erumabad: Joey's last sweat
erumabad: Handi's final chord
erumabad: mickey's last jam
erumabad: goodbye practice space
erumabad: Goodbye Room 311
erumabad: Looking for a new drummer
erumabad: Mike misses the drink machines
erumabad: Downtown staircase
erumabad: Lunch time
erumabad: Boxed baby
erumabad: did you remember to pack the baby?
erumabad: Goodbye practice space
erumabad: jerry and nooria
erumabad: jerry laura and nooria
erumabad: erum laura and nooria
erumabad: eleanor and nooria
erumabad: at sarah, robert, and eleanor's celebration
erumabad: jenny and mike
erumabad: fred, kevin, and larue
erumabad: happy bday erum
erumabad: nooria sleeps through erum's bday brunch
erumabad: sarah and tim
erumabad: jenny's brooklyn bag
erumabad: scene in venice
erumabad: nooria in fred's shades
erumabad: fred with bags of our tapes
erumabad: tim helping sam pack up
erumabad: sam's fancy burger