erumabad: dinner on Air India
erumabad: Mumbai from the plane
erumabad: welcome
erumabad: first meal
erumabad: where we stayed.
erumabad: Sham and Sam
erumabad: View from Tim's room
erumabad: view from Sam's window
erumabad: view 2 from Sam's window
erumabad: IMG_2077
erumabad: Lokhandwala scene
erumabad: side street off Lokhandwala
erumabad: our street
erumabad: Tim tries his first 'sizzler'
erumabad: mosque near Bandra
erumabad: statue near Colaba
erumabad: Gate of India
erumabad: Gate 2
erumabad: Tim and the Taj Mahal! (hotel, that is)
erumabad: outside Taj
erumabad: Taj staircase
erumabad: John, Yoko, and other brits that have stayed there
erumabad: street scene near Gate
erumabad: BMC building
erumabad: downtown scene
erumabad: IMG_2041
erumabad: green mosque
erumabad: IMG_2044
erumabad: Lata Mangeshkar's house
erumabad: church near Bandra