erumabad: Happy 2 month bday Nooria!
erumabad: Blowing out the candle
erumabad: Visiting Bonnie and Eric's new place in the Palisades
erumabad: palisades view
erumabad: entering the new pad
erumabad: bonnie and sam on the patio
erumabad: Nooria in the living room
erumabad: bonnie's new view
erumabad: poopin' in the palisades
erumabad: sam and nooria tour the grounds
erumabad: nooria and her ami
erumabad: say cheese
erumabad: holding my head up
erumabad: eating ami's hoodie
erumabad: working on eating my fingers
erumabad: still working...
erumabad: stiff as a board
erumabad: happy 1st bday mina loy!
erumabad: look who just learned to walk
erumabad: goth jones blowing bubbles
erumabad: sam blowing bubbles
erumabad: kevin has to help sam
erumabad: nooria and the gang
erumabad: bday girl and her dad
erumabad: nooria parties
erumabad: blowing out the candles
erumabad: mike asks if he can take nooria on his date
erumabad: closeup
erumabad: nooria's green period
erumabad: pensive