Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. release, Palm Springs, CA
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. release, Palm Springs, CA
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--Ocotillo Woman--FOUND!!
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--ocotillo woman--FOUND!!
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T project--dragonfly release!
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--dragonfly
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--dragonfly
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--messageinabottleIandII
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--messageinabottleIandIIopen
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--"Peace Is Our Gift to Each Other"
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--poker'knight'
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. project--notyourordinarydeckofcards
Michelle Hedgecock: FATproject--Something old...
Michelle Hedgecock: FATproject-Beetle
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--Flowers for the Queen APC
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--Yin and Yang APC
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--'A ten 2 Peace' APC
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--Peaceful Heart APC
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--'Peace is Our Gift to Each Other' w-key message in a bottle
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT-- 'Kindness' message in a bottle
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--Message in a Bottle(s)
Michelle Hedgecock: FAT--Bicycle APC
Michelle Hedgecock: 3PeaceAPCs
Michelle Hedgecock: 'Life is Good' APC
Michelle Hedgecock: Scrap Wire Bird's Nest-FAT project
Michelle Hedgecock: Scrap Wire Bird's Nest-FAT project
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T. - Quartz Crystal Caterpillar
Michelle Hedgecock: F.A.T.- When I Grow Up, I Want to Be A Butterfly
Michelle Hedgecock: Found Art Tuesday: Leaf Maze