sowhatithaps: DSCN6448
sowhatithaps: DSCN6446
sowhatithaps: Looking at Oooold pics of the girls. LOL
sowhatithaps: DSCN6466
sowhatithaps: Ray of sunshine.
sowhatithaps: True blue.
sowhatithaps: That's Princess Zoe to you.
sowhatithaps: Zoe had a little cold and just wanted some comforting.
sowhatithaps: Robin and Kayla
sowhatithaps: I think they were looking at Keutsh.
sowhatithaps: DSCN6439
sowhatithaps: Kayla was teasing me.
sowhatithaps: DSCN6441
sowhatithaps: Sisters
sowhatithaps: They know more about a Mac than I do.
sowhatithaps: Not one but two hams.
sowhatithaps: And smart too.
sowhatithaps: Zoe wears a hat well.
sowhatithaps: DSCN6468
sowhatithaps: DSCN6469
sowhatithaps: DSCN6473
sowhatithaps: Reflection.
sowhatithaps: DSCN6475
sowhatithaps: DSCN6478
sowhatithaps: DSCN6482
sowhatithaps: DSCN6484
sowhatithaps: DSCN6495