sowhatithaps: DSCN2273
sowhatithaps: DSCN2274
sowhatithaps: DSCN2275
sowhatithaps: DSCN2278
sowhatithaps: DSCN2280
sowhatithaps: DSCN2279
sowhatithaps: DSCN2281
sowhatithaps: DSCN2283
sowhatithaps: DSCN2284
sowhatithaps: DSCN2285
sowhatithaps: Trash that slapped over the bay during high tide
sowhatithaps: Trash overflowed from high tide in the bay.
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: Emmons Avenue
sowhatithaps: East 18 St/Ave X
sowhatithaps: we are open
sowhatithaps: Waldbaums
sowhatithaps: DSCN2300
sowhatithaps: DSCN2301
sowhatithaps: Yeshiva E27 St/Ave Z
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene
sowhatithaps: After Irene