tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "American Roulette."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Amen."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "To the more than 460 people who are doomed to die this holiday weekend:"
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Getting killed is easy. Staying alive is work."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Please don't get killed this Sunday. We'd like to sell you gas on Monday."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Fresh-killed chickin."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Rest in Peace."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Highway Hypnosis and how to snap out of it."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "The reckless passenger."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "The pedestrian always has the right of way?"
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "As soon as I got behind the wheel, I sober up."
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "Legally Insane"
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "In 1895 there were only two cars in Ohio. Guess what happened?"
tetetetempo: Mobil ad. "How to skid and love to tell the tale."