Erin Dempsey: bar is stocked with all our favorite philly cocktails
Erin Dempsey: i love it when you wrap your arms around me,
Erin Dempsey: momma's lookin finneee doesn't look a day over 29
Erin Dempsey: plower...stand up boy!
Erin Dempsey: look at this creative jem...memorie tree
Erin Dempsey: you soo sassy
Erin Dempsey: Buzz Aldrin to the rescue
Erin Dempsey: hello chicken cutlets
Erin Dempsey: just taking a seat in the lover's lounge....
Erin Dempsey: the first two to start getting the jam times underway
Erin Dempsey: cHRISTINe's about to sit saddle on a bull!! Ride 'er Jenn!
Erin Dempsey: kiss me baby
Erin Dempsey: alright there ya have it
Erin Dempsey: IMG_7556
Erin Dempsey: the request line is now open
Erin Dempsey: you a dirty girl...."Put it in your mouth, ya mothafucking mouth!!!!!"
Erin Dempsey: Lil' Kim
Erin Dempsey: you know it is a good song if T's back to sing it
Erin Dempsey: DJ Demps did good
Erin Dempsey: IMG_7565
Erin Dempsey: wish i got a before...sami is a hell of a cake baker
Erin Dempsey: CHEEERSSS!
Erin Dempsey: I get so weak in the knees!
Erin Dempsey: bedside snack for the lovers...TastYkake!...some traditions never die