Erin Dempsey: 60 herrapin turns to the top
Erin Dempsey: First Stop-Santa Isabel & they do not sell alcohal at 8:30 am...bummer thank god for nick stocking up on bacardi at duty free!
Erin Dempsey: not recommended for the car sick
Erin Dempsey: only about 6 turns to go...a hour and a half ride up the mountain to our final destination
Erin Dempsey: Valle Nevado Resort 9000 ft up in the andes
Erin Dempsey: Pic break got get them chains on the tires
Erin Dempsey: new friend nick...haven't even known him 24 hours but my sneaking suspicion is we will get along just swell
Erin Dempsey: Tire chains
Erin Dempsey: View from the top of the Andes Express one
Erin Dempsey: this pose just makes me laugh
Erin Dempsey: pick your got powder!
Erin Dempsey: IMG_0026
Erin Dempsey: Nick has just fallen...clue #1 his back pack is snow covered!
Erin Dempsey: looking a little unsure on this T bar that lifting me up up and up
Erin Dempsey: soo we were going to climb a mountain to ride some freshie...well after about 50 ft lay down was needed along with a granola bar
Erin Dempsey: chile me and john on top
Erin Dempsey: Powder Paradise in July!
Erin Dempsey: bring it!
Erin Dempsey: that hole on the left...i just face plant nose dove
Erin Dempsey: Hotel Valle Nevado!
Erin Dempsey: Hotel Valle Nevado!
Erin Dempsey: Starting dinner off the Chilean way...cheers pisco sour!
Erin Dempsey: Nick Peters!
Erin Dempsey: smooth cruisin