Erin Dempsey: Meet the players- first up Matty
Erin Dempsey: Mister ringlets
Erin Dempsey: welcome to atlanta where the players play
Erin Dempsey: cheeessin
Erin Dempsey: what a fine bunch of people
Erin Dempsey: My taxi driver
Erin Dempsey: marsha marsha marsha
Erin Dempsey: Chester CHeetO
Erin Dempsey: Django!
Erin Dempsey: slobber
Erin Dempsey: ahh nothing like a cold PBR on a saturday spring day
Erin Dempsey: naturally she LOVES it
Erin Dempsey: We Stay Fly, No lie...You know this
Erin Dempsey: tighten them strings
Erin Dempsey: Andrew and Snakes wearing an honorary Goatee...for now anyway
Erin Dempsey: where's your flippy floppies?
Erin Dempsey: EEEEerrrrr EErrrr so ferocious
Erin Dempsey: Banana Bikes!
Erin Dempsey: take me back bike rides
Erin Dempsey: little daytime high
Erin Dempsey: I'm at the BEACH