Erin Dempsey: Kickin it straight out of the 80's
Erin Dempsey: Game face...lets do this
Erin Dempsey: ummm it is -7 degrees merry frostbite
Erin Dempsey: only Vail christmas photo i could manage so my fingers wouldn't fall off
Erin Dempsey: there were crayons at the table i couldn't resist
Erin Dempsey: me and sis in front of a random ski statue
Erin Dempsey: Vail village from the lift
Erin Dempsey: aaaahhhhaaa
Erin Dempsey: we found the FRESHIES!!
Erin Dempsey: X-TREME
Erin Dempsey: ready to dive in
Erin Dempsey: peek a boo
Erin Dempsey: Pow poww
Erin Dempsey: DSCN4832
Erin Dempsey: swisshhhh