VA Trish: female downy woodpecker (picoides pubescens)
VA Trish: pileated (dryocopus pileatus)
VA Trish: purple finch
VA Trish: my eye on you
VA Trish: downy
VA Trish: yellow complainer (close)
VA Trish: yellow complainer
VA Trish: bluebird
VA Trish: bluebird and worm
VA Trish: titmouse suet
VA Trish: nuthatch seed
VA Trish: flight
VA Trish: tufted titmouse
VA Trish: nuthatch
VA Trish: chickadee
VA Trish: nuthatch
VA Trish: northern flicker
VA Trish: popcorn pileated
VA Trish: carolina wren nesting
VA Trish: red bellied woodpecker
VA Trish: indigo bunting
VA Trish: purple finch
VA Trish: cowbird
VA Trish: mr wren
VA Trish: Mr Wren w/ Food for Chicks
VA Trish: rose breasted grosbeak
VA Trish: rose breasted grosbeak
VA Trish: american goldfinch
VA Trish: female american goldfinch
VA Trish: Bluebirds in the Snow