Pattys-photos: Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel
Pattys-photos: Ground Squirrel
Pattys-photos: golden-mantled ground squirre
Pattys-photos: someone is lurking in my flowers
Pattys-photos: ground squirrel
Pattys-photos: ground squirrel
Pattys-photos: why do they always look so guilty
Pattys-photos: proof salads do make you fat :)
Pattys-photos: ground squirrel
Pattys-photos: ground squirrel
Pattys-photos: whatcha do'n in my neck of the woods
Pattys-photos: winter snack
Pattys-photos: I'm watching you !
Pattys-photos: balancing act
Pattys-photos: squirrel
Pattys-photos: grey squirrel
Pattys-photos: grey squirrel
Pattys-photos: oh ya ,I know how she feels
Pattys-photos: winter feast
Pattys-photos: where theres a will...
Pattys-photos: squirrel
Pattys-photos: squirrel
Pattys-photos: squirrel